At 4/12/2021, 5:13:04 AM (bors time), we had a successful merge.
At 4/12/2021, 1:13:50 PM (bors time), we have a crash with the report
{:error, :merge_branch, 403,
"{\"message\":\"Resource not accessible by integration\",\"documentation_url\":\"\"}"}},
{BorsNG.GitHub, :merge_branch!, 2,
[file: 'lib/github/github.ex', line: 185]},
{Enum, :"-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-", 3,
[file: 'lib/enum.ex', line: 2181]},
{BorsNG.Worker.Batcher, :start_waiting_batch, 1,
[file: 'lib/worker/batcher.ex', line: 436]},
{BorsNG.Worker.Batcher, :poll_, 1,
[file: 'lib/worker/batcher.ex', line: 299]},
{BorsNG.Worker.Batcher, :handle_info, 2,
[file: 'lib/worker/batcher.ex', line: 239]},
{:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4,
[file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 689]},
{:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6,
[file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 765]},
{:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3,
[file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 226]}
It crashed again when retrying.
Nothing should have changed between the two merges except for the branch being merged.
Unsuccessful merge is Make pest no_std compatible. by 01mf02 · Pull Request #498 · pest-parser/pest (