Bors sending 401s for webhooks

It looks like bors is ignoring me on Github - chances are it is ignoring everyone!

Taking a look at the logs, it seems like bors continues to send 401s instead of processing results on the POST /github/webhook route. See below:

2018-02-01T21:10:55.702016+00:00 app[web.1]: 21:10:55.701 request_id=e63ab959-d060-4abe-8e6b-b74e30f3f7f3 [info] POST /webhook/github

2018-02-01T21:10:55.702117+00:00 app[web.1]: 21:10:55.701 request_id=e63ab959-d060-4abe-8e6b-b74e30f3f7f3 [info] Sent 401 in 225µs

I also had insider knowledge from Heroku to notice that the Github PEM has changed recently … could this be the issue?

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Yeah, it’s related. GitHub sent me an email about secrets being accidentally leaked, and I had to change all of them. Apparently, incorrectly.

Okay, I managed to get it to resync properly for me (had to rebuild the package with the new webhook secret). Did it work for you know, @jniles ?

Looks like it! Thanks!