Add a new configuration option `status_wait_success`

Summary: Add a new configuration option status_wait_success. Bors will wait until all of the GitHub Statuses listed in status_wait_success succeed (i.e. "turn green"), or until Bors times out.

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There are some GitHub Statuses that will initially report a failing (i.e. "red X") status, but at a later point in time will change their status to passing (i.e. "green checkmark"). An example would be the codecov/project status from CodeCov. If you have multiple CI jobs that each report partial coverage, then initially the codecov/project status will be failing. However, after all of the CI jobs have completed and submitted their coverage reports, CodeCov will merge all of the coverage reports and will change the codecov/project status to passing.

If you list such a status in the status section of your bors.toml file, then Bors will fail the build as soon as it sees a failing status. But this is not what we want - we want Bors to ignore those failing statuses and instead wait until the status passes (or until Bors times out, whichever comes first).

A more detailed description of the CodeCov use case is available in this forum thread.

Guide-level explanation

If you want Bors to require that a certain GitHub Status pass, and if you want Bors to immediately fail the build if that GitHub Status ever reports a failing (i.e. "red X") status, put that status in the status list.

If you want Bors to require that a certain GitHub Status pass, and you want Bors to wait until that GitHub status passes (i.e. "green checkmark"), and you do not want Bors to fail the build if that GitHub Status ever reports a failing status, put that status in the status_wait_success.

If you specify one or more statuses in the status_wait_success list, the Bors will wait until all of those statuses succeed. If not all of the statuses have succeeded by the time that the Bors timeout period has elapsed, then Bors will fail with a timeout error.


For example, suppose that you want Bors to require that the following four statuses pass in order for Bors to merge:

  • continuous-integration/travis-ci/push
  • Taskcluster (push)
  • codecov/project
  • codecov/patch

If the continuous-integration/travis-ci/push and/or Taskcluster (push) statuses fails, you want Bors to immediately fail the build. However, if the codecov/project and/or codecov/patch statuses fails, you want Bors to ignore the failure, and instead wait until both the codecov/project and codecov/patch statuses succeed. In this example, your bors.toml file would look like this:

status = [ "continuous-integration/travis-ci/push", "Taskcluster (push)" ]

status_wait_success = ["codecov/project", "codecov/patch"]

Customizing the timeout

The default Bors timeout is one hour (i.e. 3600 seconds). You can specifying a longer or shorter timeout by setting the timeout_sec option in bors.toml. For example, to set the Bors timeout to twelve hours (i.e. 43200 seconds), you would set timeout_sec = 43200. So your bors.toml file would look like this:

status = [ "continuous-integration/travis-ci/push", "Taskcluster (push)" ]

status_wait_success = ["codecov/project", "codecov/patch"]

timeout_sec = 43200

Reference-level explanation

Here is a rough overview of the changes that we need to make.

First, we will modify the code that lives in lib/github/github.ex, starting at line 224. Currently, the code looks like this:

@spec map_state_to_status(binary) :: tstatus
def map_state_to_status(state) do
  case state do
    "pending" -> :running
    "success" -> :ok
    "failure" -> :error
    "error" -> :error

@spec map_check_to_status(binary) :: tstatus
def map_check_to_status(conclusion) do
  case conclusion do
    nil -> :running
    "success" -> :ok
    _ -> :error

@spec map_status_to_state(tstatus) :: binary
def map_status_to_state(state) do
  case state do
    :running -> "pending"
    :ok -> "success"
    :error -> "failure"

We will modify it to look like this:

@spec map_state_to_status(binary) :: tstatus
def map_state_to_status(state) do
  case state do
    "pending" -> :running
    "success" -> :ok
    "failure" -> :error
    "error" -> :error

@spec map_check_to_status(binary) :: tstatus
def map_check_to_status(conclusion) do
  case conclusion do
    nil -> :running
    "success" -> :ok
    _ -> :error

@spec map_status_to_state(tstatus) :: binary
def map_status_to_state(state) do
  case state do
    :running -> "pending"
    :ok -> "success"
    :error -> "failure"

@spec map_state_to_status_wait_success(binary) :: tstatus
def map_state_to_status_wait_success(state) do
  case state do
    "pending" -> :running
    "success" -> :ok
    "failure" -> :running
    "error" -> :running

@spec map_check_to_status_wait_success(binary) :: tstatus
def map_check_to_status_wait_success(conclusion) do
  case conclusion do
    nil -> :running
    "success" -> :ok
    _ -> :running

@spec map_status_wait_success_to_state(tstatus) :: binary
def map_status_wait_success_to_state(state) do
  case state do
    :running -> "pending"
    :ok -> "success"
    :error -> "pending"

Basically, we want Bors to think of any status other than success as pending.

Then we will add logic that checks the bors.toml file and calls the correct functions (i.e. map_state_to_status versus map_state_to_status_wait_success) depending on whether the relevant GitHub Status was listed in status or status_wait_success.

We should also make it a bors.toml parsing error to specify the same status in both status and status_wait_success.

Drawbacks, rationale and alternatives

The drawbacks, rationale and alternatives have been explained in detail in this forum thread.

The feature described here is the only approach that avoids a race condition.

Prior art

  • I am not aware of any prior art.

Unresolved questions

  • How will we implement tests for this new feature?

Future possibilities

I can't think of any future possibilities at this time.


  • 2019-08-13: Created.
  • 2019-08-15: Specify the default timeout.
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Bump. Any other thoughts on this?

@notriddle What do you think about moving this into FCP?

Sounds good to me.

This RFC is entering Final Comment Period. Disposition: accept.

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